Why the ISI Model is Compelling:

ISI provides cost effective talent acquisition and provisioning solutions in IT, BI, Engineering, Project Management, and leadership. We have a nationwide network of individuals ready to meet Clients’ needs. Our members range from new graduates to highly specialized experts, we have individuals that have reached their traditional retirement and want to continue providing their wisdom on an as needed basis. We have focused technical skills, experienced management and executive talent ready to assist Clients with ultra-short term to long term projects.



Our Services Include:

  • Short term contract talent
  • Long term contract talent
  • Individual or team talent
  • Contract to hire talent
  • Off shore talent


  • 1099 to the talent
  • Invoice from ISI – (paid to talent by ISI)

How it Works:

ISI affiliates pay membership fee (like a co-op) to support the ISI corporate operation. The fee Clients pay for the talent they engage is paid direct to the individual as a 1099 classification or to ISI as a vendor. ISI pays 95+% of the fee to the talent. This model produces lower cost for Clients and higher income for the talent. Our contract to hire allows a Client to evaluate a talent, make a decision and convert them to their employee in as short as 30 days with no conversion fee


ISI can provide talent for services as limited as editing a single page document or PowerPoint presentation to full life-cycle, multi-discipline responsibility for a project. Engagements as diverse as Audits (code, documentation, project governance, security, etc.) to assisting in problem or opportunity identification, or bridging a gap in management or executive talent.


Examples of how ISI can be cost effective for Clients:

Client does not have a full-time need for a specific technical talent. Their options are: 1) Recruit and hire the talent and fill in the talent’s excess time with other tasks. Result, a high cost for the other tasks, and the potential for a dissatisfied employee. The direct and indirect cost of this approach can equal the cost of the employee’s wage. Or 2) use ISI to provide a long term contract talent working only when need. ISI’s co-op style business model means Client costs are lower and the contract talent receives higher compensation.


Client needs a specialized full life cycle multi-discipline team to complete a company initiative. The traditional approach is to engage a brand name consulting firm. Consulting firms typically must cover the high cost of their organization structure. This means high fees and lower compensation for the talent that actually performs the service you receive, versus the ISI co-op business model.


Client has a gap in management or executive talent. Many times this gap is filled by assigning an employee on an interim basis, or just leaving the position empty during the search process. This is often a disservice to the company, customers and employees. Using ISI management or executive talent to bridge this gap eliminates the injustice of interim assignments or the risk of unfilled leadership position and allows the Client to continue operations and take the necessary time to recruit, select and on-board the proper talent.